

I've stated before that I really don't have much interest in animated or kids movies, but many times I get dragged to see one because of family, and I end up loving it.

Horton Hears A Who ! is really a great film that everyone can enjoy. My favorite part is just before the very end when the Who's must prove to Horton's friends that they really do exist. You really end up cheering when it finally happens!

I grew up learning to read Dr. Seus's books and this film had me thinking what he would think of the movie that came from one of his creations. He has always been my inspiration for writing. He got over 72 rejections before his first book was published. A person of lesser staying power may have given up after just a few. Thank goodness he believed in himself, his characters, and his stories.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the rejections reminder. That is good to hear everyday. It can be so hard! All the great successful writers have been rejected. Where would we be without Dr. Seuss? I would hate to imagine. Back to the grind for me then!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who is classic, i forgot how much that guy packed into such simple storylines... they didn't add much to the original story either except for the usual Jim Carreyisms.