

I have passed on this film time after time. From the title I though it was one of those movies where bugs infest the town and kill people. Been there, done that, but I was wrong. My daughter wanted to watch it, so we did. It wasn't what I was expecting at all.

Without giving it away I will say it was a sad movie, a tragic movie and you can't help but say "wow" at the end. This is the first time also I've seen a film where there was an abusive spouse who I really hated, but prayed he'd come back near the climax and the end. The best scene is the end scene so I'll keep it to myself. For now.


Anonymous said...

I must say that personally, from a hardcore movie watcher myself, this movie sucked. I hated it, it was actually rather stupid and a disappointment. And believe me, I never expect anything when I go into the movies, so it starts off with an impression on the first shot. This movie just did not take off for me with the whole bug phobia that two people created on themselves by isolating them self in an apartment.