

     I had not heard of or paid attention to this film called Twilight. I think it's because it mainly had a cast of teens and I usually find those kind of movies a bit young for my tastes. However my niece is very much into the movie and the books and insisted that I see it and give it a chance. I did.

     At first I thought the movie pretty hoky with the over makeup and the high school setting. I thought the character of Bella was over acted and not believable, but as I watched I confess I did become more interested and even started to like the film.

     My favorite scene was the baseball scene. I would have never thought of something like it and I was very impressed as it was a new and original idea for a vampire movie. By the end of the film I found myself hooked and wanted to see it again. There are three more movies coming up in this series and I look forward to them as I understand the budget will be much larger and the movies better than the first. See this movie.