

The Grapes Of Wrath is not a new movie by any means, but it is a must see. It's a story about a family moving to California in hopes to find jobs and a new home. It takes place during the time of the Dust Bowl when part of the country was so dry, the dirt turned to dust and no crops could be grown. Farmers and their families lost their homes and everything else that couldn't be piled on trucks and moved. When word spreads of jobs hundreds flock to them only to find out they are too late. This is the movie to show when you're feeling sorry for yourself.
One of the best scenes that really gets across how bad things are is when the family arrives at a camp of people just like them. The mother prepares a modest kettle of stew for her family to eat. There is hardly enough food for themselves in that kettle but when the mother looks up and sees all the children from the camp that are starving and gathered in a group staring at the kettle, the heart just breaks and the tears flow.