
Step Brothers

     I saw the previews from this movie and was dying to see it. The trailer was hilarious! However this film followed the pattern that many others do. They put their best scenes in the trailer. This is to make you think that if they're showing those for free the rest of the film must be even better. In reality, once you've seen the trailer you've seen the best, the rest of the movie is downhill from there.

     One more thing, I really like Will Ferrell and I think he is a funny guy, but he needs to stop the screaming. It's just annoying and not funny. It makes me want to turn him off, how funny would that be?


klawedkillerkitten said...

Oh I have to disagree! Although I do think the whole screaming Will Ferrell thing has gotten a bit stale, this movie proved me wrong. It was a nonstop hilarious thrill ride for me. Even after I left the theater I just couldn't stop laughing. Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly are awesome together! IT was great! I'm definitely buying it when it comes out on DVD. This movie, Elf, Talladega Nights, Old School, and Anchorman are by far the best Will Ferrell movies. The rest are mediocre or downright unfunny.